The Green Devils Military Brotherhood is a veterans’ club, composed primarily of veterans of the German federal armed forces. The club also includes active professional soldiers who wish to foster comradeship beyond the period of service which will one day come to an end. We warmly welcome any former or active soldier, whether a motorcyclist or not.
We maintain respectful and friendly contact with several other veterans’ clubs and various motorcycle clubs. For us, treating one another in a respectful, trustworthy, friendly manner is of paramount importance.
We are committed to former soldiers with posttraumatic stress disorders, as well as to veterans who have involuntarily met with difficult life situations. In addition, we have long supported the project “Gemeinsam stark mit unseren Soldaten” (Strong together with our soldiers).
We finance ourselves through member contributions, the majority of which are used for our assistance projects. The same applies to revenue from our Support Shop.
If you too would like to support our volunteer work or would like to join our club, please CONTACT us.
Wir interessieren uns immer für aktive und ehemaligen Kameraden, aus allen Truppengattungen.
Wenn Du auch interessiert bist, dann melde Dich bei uns. Hier hast Du eine Übersicht, wo wir zu finden sind. Zug-Übersicht
15 K 3 Marsch
„Zum Gedenken an die Gefallenen der Einsätze der Bundeswehr und gegen das Vergessen“
am 05.04.2025 am Aasee in 49477 Ibbenbüren.